We are

Your technology partner

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A team of professionals who believe in ideation, creativity and have the courage to turn them to reality!

Our story begins with 2 individuals and their vision to change the perspective of startup culture. Startups are usually seen with the eye of disbelief and in many of the cases considered ‘inefficient’. And we wanted to bring in some change with this very thought!

The one thing which makes a company stand out is it’s expertise, and we started focussing on recruiting the right people for our company who share the same vision, believe in quality and also deliver the best outcome.

Our committed team at Triple IT Ltd has made this possible!

So, what’s our success mantra? : Focusing on building quality products and better teams ensuring the support of high end technology, with strong process-driven approaches and putting the best of everything to make it a success.

We combined technical expertise along with management experience to get started on Triple IT Ltd and we are growing since then. With time we have teamed up with professionals from different industries, and now we provide services for blockchain integration, Product development, UX UI design, Website and mobile development and much more.

We believe in an open learning environment where anybody can learn from anyone, explore and deliver better everyday. A feeling of transparency and open communication is another thing we encourage among the teammates.

It’s a long journey of patience and learning that made us reach where we are! Say a hi to us today!

Life @ Triple IT Ltd

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